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Oshiage Areaのシェアハウス一覧


Oshiage Area,


  • Oshiage Areaのエリアガイド

    • Oshiage Areaの特徴や街並み

      Oshiage is famous as a city with Skytree.Since the opening of Skytree in 2012, it has been one of the most popular spots in Tokyo where tourists from both Japan and abroad visit, but in fact, it is a comfortable area with a residential area full of traditional downtown atmosphere. Also, did you know that when you walk along the Sky Tree and Asakusa, you will find golden objects like fireballs along the Sumida River. This object is located next to the headquater office of the Asahi Group, which is famous for beer. The fireball is designed with the image of the burning heart of Asahi Breweries, and the super dry hall below is designed with the image of the torch stand.
Oshiage Areaであなたのご希望の設備やこだわり条件、間取りのシェアハウスは見つかりましたか?
エリアや駅、条件を少し条件を変更して検索してみると、 新たな魅力を感じられる物件との出会いがあるかもしれません。
あなたの思い描いていた理想の生活を叶えるシェアハウス探しやOshiage Areaのシェアハウスをお探しなら、簡単に住み替えもできる安心・安全な物件が東京都内に 1000件以上ある「TOKYO<β>」へ。