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Iidabashi Areaのシェアハウス一覧


Iidabashi Area,


  • Iidabashi Areaのエリアガイド

    • Iidabashi Areaの特徴や街並み

      With the redevelopment of the area around Iidabashi Station, the modern Shin-West Entrance Station building with a monotone is impressive. Visiting temples and taking a walk in history are also one of the ways to enjoy this area. Tokyo Daijingu Shrine located in south side of the station, has been the birthplace of the temple wedding and has wished many couples happiness.In recent years, it is also famous as a god of marriage and is a popular power spot among women. The Imperial Palace and Yasukuni shrine are also known as famous cherry blossom spots. In addition, the JR Chuo・Sobu Line stops at each station, four subway lines are passing, so the convenience of transportation is excellent.
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